Our Workshop Options


Strengthen & develop your leaders to be the best they can be

Team Building & Unity

Create cohesion & chemistry within your staff or team

Communication Skills

Improve & enhance your staff or team's understanding of these essential life skills

Sales Training

Equip & educate your team or staff with these unique skills for success

Planning & Goal Setting

Approach those dreams with useful tools & resources designed to work


What are your needs? Let's create a custom approach together

What is a workshop?

A workshop is a long interactive meeting & educational session designed to create a specialised result. 

Our workshops are 2-3 hours long & start from R 300.00 p/p*

They include a facilitator, presentation, workbook/ journal, certificate & refreshments.

Our venue or yours – we are here to serve you.

Workshops emphasise hands-on interaction. We strive to identify each staff or team members best qualities & focus on improving them. We understand people & business, & we know how to make them thrive together. Empowering people to work in their passion & utilising their talents will naturally create SUCCESS.

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